Local Legislative Affairs Committee
This committee’s mission is to favorably influence the actions of local government for the enhancement of a positive business environment. The members identify and vet issues and make public policy recommendations to both the Loveland Chamber Board of Directors and the NCLA Board of Directors.
- Identify potential policy issues impacting the business community and economic environment
- Study and evaluate policy issues, recommending appropriate action to the Loveland Chamber Board of Directors (all chamber positions will be determined by the Chamber Board)
- Promote the public policy goals of the Chamber
- Serve as a liaison between the investors of the Loveland Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Directors of the Northern Colorado Legislative Alliance
- Engage and educate Chamber investors in the public policy process
- Time for investors to share their concerns, issues, and thoughts
- Special presentations
- Review and updates of NCLA activities
- Discussion of public policy initiatives and actions taken when appropriate
- Work to establish and develop a priority agenda