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Local Legislative Affairs Committee

Local Legislative Affairs Committee

This committee’s mission is to favorably influence the actions of local government for the enhancement of a positive business environment. The members identify and vet issues and make public policy recommendations to both the Loveland Chamber Board of Directors and the NCLA Board of Directors.

Local Legislative Affairs CommitteeOBJECTIVES:

  • Identify potential policy issues impacting the business community and economic environment
  • Study and evaluate policy issues, recommending appropriate action to the Loveland Chamber Board of Directors (all chamber positions will be determined by the Chamber Board)
  • Promote the public policy goals of the Chamber
  • Serve as a liaison between the investors of the Loveland Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Directors of the Northern Colorado Legislative Alliance
  • Engage and educate Chamber investors in the public policy process


  • Time for investors to share their concerns, issues, and thoughts
  • Special presentations
  • Review and updates of NCLA activities
  • Discussion of public policy initiatives and actions taken when appropriate
  • Work to establish and develop a priority agenda